Review: Austin Air HealthMate (Model HM-400)

Chemicals, noxious gases and sub-micron particles are all removed from the air by the HM-400 from Austin Air. Air is taken through a four stage filter system after being taken in from all directions by the unit. The HM-400 puts out cleaner air at a higher, more efficient rate than other units.

The particles are removed in stages from largest to smallest by the various filtration levels in an area that measures a maximum of 1500 sq. ft. There are more than four hundred cubic feet of air passing through the unit which absorbs odors, chemicals and gases with the Carbon Zeolite mix. The unit has three setting for filtering the air and will even increase the amount of air flow when utilized on high.


The HM 400 has been featured on the Today Show, weighs forty-five pounds and includes the following features:

  • An area of up to fifteen hundred square feet is cleaned by the unit.
  • Four stage air cleaning
  • Airborne particles that are 0.3 microns or more are removed up to 99.7%.


The unit had a total of forty-two Amazon reviews that gave it an average overall rating of four out of five stars.

The critical review found to be the most helpful gave the unit a rating of four out of five stars. The out of warranty repairs proved to be so costly that the reviewer found that they searched until the found an alternative to having the company repair the unit when something went wrong. The fact that the filters on the unit lasted three years and not five was only a minor issue to the reviewer. The reviewer was satisfied with the unit’s ability to filter the air and was able to find the part and get the unit repaired on their own for less than they would if they had shipped it back to the company.

The most helpful positive review gave the unit a rating of five out of five stars. The reviewer was pleased with the fact that all they had to do was plug it in once they unpacked it and it began working immediately. The reviewer was experiencing allergy systems from having a new carpet installed but noticed that the symptoms went away after only two days of utilizing the HM 400. The low setting was quiet enough that you could sit by it while watching a movie. When the reviewer turned the unit on high they found that the amount of air circulating through the room increased.

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Overall reviewers were satisfied with the Austin Air HealthMate HM-400 finding that it removed allergens, improved the quality of the air and increased the amount of air circulating in the room when it was set on high. Those giving negative reviews to the unit even found positive aspects and as a result we can recommend this unit to reviewers that are seeking to find a way to improve their air quality and increase the amount of air circulating through their home at the same time.

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